Seeing the whole picture when it comes to bounce rates is crucial as it is not always bad. But after looking at the data from Google Analytics, you will be able to pinpoint the areas that need work. Once you have found that, here are some tips on what to do next:
If you have a high bounce rate overall, then it’s likely that one or two pages are copping it all. Once you have located it, as mentioned above, look at the metrics data. Are users getting what they came for? Are they spending a lot of time on it or barely a few seconds? You can look at your layout and content next to try and find the culprit. If you are still struggling here, you can even ask a friend to navigate the page and tell you what stands out. An outside opinion might just do the trick.
With the assistance of the above visualisation tools, you can implement some A/B tests. This is where you copy a page from your site and make minor tweaks here and there. For example, you could change the headers, images, or content. Once you have made a copy, upload it and see how your users interact with the updated content. This way, you can see which of the two pages is more appealing and potentially lower your bounce rate.